Spolupracujeme s partnermi, ktorí sú odborníci v AAI
Keď máš záuem o odborne fundované, poznatkami podložené, predovšetkým však efektívne a bezpečné využívanie prístupov v oblasti intervencií s asistenciou zvierat, spolu nájdeme najlepšie riešenie.
zrealizované webináre
Miera spokojnosti
online stretnutia
uknikátne kurzy
Life Coaches That Change Your Life
That’s why the ReConnected Life coaching programmes are tailored to your unique needs, enabling you to finally let go of what has been holding you back, and embrace the life you long to lead.

Tina Shifold
Marica Ingrosso
Bc. Pavlína Matulániová
Bc. Slavomíra Dupláková
PhDr. Mgr. Martina Čontofalská Michalková
Doc. PhDr. Denisa Šoltésová, PhD.

Staň sa profesionálkou, profesionálom v intervenciách so zvieratami
Ponúkame kurzy študentkám a študentom pripravujúcim sa na výkon povolania v oblasti pomáhajúcich profesií (sociálna práca, špeciálna pedagogika, psychológia, fyzioterapia a pod.), ale aj ľuďom, ktorí už aktuálne vykonávajú prax intervencií s asistenciou psov/zvierat.
Čo o nás hovoria
I believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Veronika Kubáňová
UI/UX DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Nick Davis
UI/UX DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Marry Clarins
UI DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Tina Johanson
UI Designer