on Carantine by Katrin Perish

Terapie s asistenciou zvierat
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT)
Edukácia s asistenciou zvierat
Animal-assisted education (AAE)
Aktivity s asistenciou zvierat
Animal-assisted activity (AAA)
Koučing s asistenciou zvierat
Animal-assisted coaching (AAC)

Pomáhame ľuďom v intervenciách so zvieratami, metódami ako...
Terapia s asistenciou zvierat
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.
Edukácia s asistenciou zvierat
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.
Aktivity s asistenciou zvierat
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.
zrealizované webináre
Miera spokojnosti
online stretnutia
jedinečné kurzy
Môžeme vám pomôcť na vašej ceste k ....neviem čo
When you come to coaching or counseling, we work with you, your situation / issue and together we find the best solution for you. All the tools we will use, you will be able to apply later in life, without necessarily turning to the coach every time. All the tools we will use, you will be able to apply later in life, without necessarily turning to the coach every time.

Naše najnovšie kurzy

Osobné online školenie
Keď chcete pracovať v intervenciách so zvieratami, spoločne nájdeme pre vás najlepšie riešenie. Keď už poskytujete intervencie s asistenciou zvierat, využite možnosť supervízie.

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I believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Anna Ingrosso
UI/UX DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Nick Davis
UI/UX DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Marry Clarins
UI DesignerI believe in lifelong learning and Unicoach is a great place to learn from experts.
I work in project management and joined Unicoach because I get great courses for less. The instructors are fantastic, interesting, and helpful. I plan to use for a long time!
Tina Johanson
UI Designer

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