Koncepcia zjednotenia a implementácie intervencií s asistenciou psov v podmienkach SR
When you come to coaching or counseling, we work with you, your situation / issue and together we find the best solution for you. All the tools we will use, you will be able to apply later in life, without necessarily turning to the coach every time.
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Preskúmaj, ako ti môžeme pomôcť
Keď máš záujem stať sa profesionálkou, profesionálom v intervenciách so zvieratami, nájdeme pre teba najlepšie riešenie.

Coaching for you if you want harmony in your life and are ready to work on important areas, change habits.
Work & Life Balance
Coaching for you if you want harmony in your life and are ready to work on important areas, change habits.
Career Consulting
Coaching for you if you want harmony in your life and are ready to work on important areas, change habits.
I Help People Understand Such Issues Like...
Start a journey to change your health
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.
Have insights and inspiration into who you are
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.
Upgrade your life and your life balance
I help people who has lost in the life cycle to take the control of their life back and start doing things to make their dream.